Educational Visits

Please see below for a sample of the trips and visits on offer throughout your time at St Birinus. Please note that this should be used as a guide only and the timings and costings of trips will vary depending on staffing, availability, and the school calendar.

All indicated costs are the full cost of the trip. Students eligible for Pupil Premium receive a significant discount on the advertised price. 


If you require help or support with any of our educational visits or the ParentPay system, please contact our Visits Coordinator using the contact details below:

Mrs Laura Brenchley,  Educational Visits Coordinator



Year 7 Trips

Lego Robotics (Science)

Who? Year 7
When? Throughout the year
In-school enrichment

Cost: free

Winchester Science Centre

Who? Year 7 (opt-in)
Duration: day trip

Cost: TBC

Year 7 Activities Days

Who? Year 7
When? July
Duration: day trip to Warwick Castle + teambuilding day

Cost: £59

How Sustainable is SBS?

Who? Year 7 Geographers
When? Throughout the year
In-school enrichment
Cost: free

Could SBS flood?

Who? Year 7 Geographers
When? Throughout the year
In-school enrichment

Cost: free

French Chateau Trip

Who? Year 7 (opt-in)
When? July
Duration: 3 nights

Cost: £435 (approx)

Year 8 Trips

Bao bun workshop

Who? Year 8 students on the Mandarin Excellence Programme
When? December
In-school enrichment

Cost: free

Mandarin drama workshop

Who? Year 8 students on the Mandarin Excellence Programme
When? February
In-school enrichment

Cost: free

Brooklands Museum

Who? Year 8 (opt-in)
When? July
Duration: Day trip

Cost: TBC


Our local ecosystem

Who? Year 8 geographers
When? throughout the year
In-school enrichment

Cost: free


Year 9 Trips

Vertex (microscopy) Science trip

Who? Year 9 science
When? May
Duration: day trip

Cost: free

Kung Fu workshop

Who? Year 9 students on the Mandarin Excellence Programme
When? January
In-school enrichment

Cost: free

Year 9MEP - China trip

Who? Year 9 students on the Mandarin Excellence Programme
When? July
Duration: 12 nights

Cost: £1000 (approx)

Bristol (fieldwork)

Who? Year 9 geography students
When? April
Duration: day trip

Cost: £25

Kilvrough, Wales

Who? Year 9 geography students (enrichment trip)
When? July
Duration: five days

Cost: £400


Year 10 Trips

Film/ media studies: Harry Potter studio visit

Who? GCSE media/ film studies students
When? October
Duration: day trip

Cost: £50

Vertex (formulations/ forensics) science trip

Who? Year 10 science
When? November
Duration: day trip

Cost: free

Year 10 Activities Days

Who? Year 10
When? July
Duration: x1 overnight camp and x3 days of activities: watersports, survival course, sports/ activities.

Cost: £130 

Year 10MEP - university trip

Who? Year 10 students on the Mandarin Excellence Programme.
When? June
Duration: day trip, following the collaborative tourism project completed in school.

Cost: free

Swanage (fieldwork)

Who? Year 10 geography students
When? June
Duration: day trip

Cost: £25



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